Welcome to Our Hosting Services

To deliver outstanding performance and uptime, our servers are built with the most reliable server components that can meet even the greatest expectations.
Each shared hosting server is equipped with two multi-core (up to 18 cores) Xeon processors, up to 256 GB DDR4 RAM, and multi-terabyte SSD RAID 6 storage arrays.
We use RAID technology because it offers the best combination of performance and reliability. Performance is the same as RAID 5, and stored data is protected even if two drives in the array fail simultaneously.
All storage drives, power supply units, and cooling fans are hot-swappable, allowing replacements on the fly. This mitigates the impact of possible hardware failures to the absolute minimum.
Redundant power on the premises, multiple backup generators, and a redundant network of multiple fiber trunks from multiple sources ensure the highest levels of connectivity and reliability.
Our servers are running а highly customized 64-bit version of Debian GNU/Linux with the Apache web server, MySQL (MyISAM and InnoDB), PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, and Tcl available. You can find the full list of software installed on the server in the hosting Control Panel -> System Information section.
If you see a WebApps section in your hosting Control Panel, you can install runtime environments like Django, Node.js, Flask, Ghost, Ruby on Rails, and run MongoDB or PostgreSQL instances. In the WebApps/Node.js category of our online documentation, you can find step-by-step instructions on how to install some of these web applications. You can contact your hosting provider for more information if you would like to take advantage of the web application support on our servers, but you do not see the WebApps section in your hosting Control Panel.

What is PCI Compliance
Disclaimer on obtaining PCI compliant status for sites on our servers
Common steps you can take before running a PCI scan
PCI (Payment Card Industry) data security standards provide a set of general rules and practices that ensure the security of credit card data, when a credit card is used for purchasing goods and services. PCI standards are to be followed by companies that store and process credit card data.
When a website accepts and stores credit card data, the credit card processing company requires the server and the site software to be PCI compliant. Such status is obtained through companies that provide PCI compliance certification. Usually, the certification company will run a PCI scan on the site/server to make sure that it is compliant.